What is the GIRP Supply Chain Conference?

Since 2014, the GIRP Supply Chain Conference gathers experts from all across Europe and beyond to discuss the hottest topics of the pharmaceutical supply chain. The event endeavours to bring new perspectives and innovative ideas for healthcare experts to better deliver medicinal products and ensure that the needs of all patients are met.

In 2024, the 9th edition of the GIRP Supply Chain Conference will take place in Lisbon, Portugal where we will aim to uncover the potential of the pharmaceutical supply chain, through maximising efficiency, and leveraging innovation and technological transformation. With a major shift in the regulatory landscape of the pharmaceutical supply chain underway, we welcome new opportunities for strengthening the supply chain, reinforcing the availability of medicines, exploring technological capabilities and increasing the resilience of the supply chain for future crises.

In addition to exploring these different pathways, the Supply Chain Conference will bring back our traditional session gathering G(M)DP authorities and inspectors to discuss and exchange altogether on the implementation of the Good Distribution Practices. Featuring some of the key regulators on the national and European level, such as heads of national medicines agencies as well as professionals from top-tier companies in the pharmaceutical distribution and industry, the GIRP Supply Chain Conference is a unique opportunity for stakeholders of the pharmaceutical supply chain to meet and discuss on the latest and leading topics of the sector.